Rabu, 18 Juni 2014

Teachnology and The Teaching Reading:Comic Authoring

            Here I want to share about how technology may help in teaching reading. We can use Comic in teaching and learning, especially in Teaching Reading and speaking. In this case is the teaching of EFL (English as Foreign Language) reading. Check the following link: Reading approaches for an EFL class
And there is tool  when we want to create our own web based interactive reading activities can use Hot Potatoes
Hot Potatoes is an easy to use authoring tools that can be used to create different web-based learning activities. One of them is the CLOZE READING activities as shown in the link above. You can also use it to create a matching activity, crossword, multiple choice activity etc. 


 Beside that, there are many tools to create comic, you can visite web:

1. Toondoo
2. Chogger
3. Pixton

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