Analysis of code mixing on Facebook
for sixth semester’s Students of English Education department In UIN Sunan
Ampel Surabaya.
Luluk Mukarromah
English Education Department Faculty Of Tarbiyah and Teacher
State University Of Islamic Studies Sunan Ampel
Surabaya 2014
daily life, language is used by human beings in almost all occasions, wherever
and whenever they are, for example in playing, studying, chatting, discussing
or doing anything with their friends. Human being uses language in talking with
other people as well as with himself. This ability of using language is
something that distinguishes human being from other living beings. Language
individuals are able to carry our daily social activities, and language is not
simply a means of communicating information about the weather or any other
subject. Also it’s very important means of establishing and maintaining
relationship with other people.
Bahasa is getting deteriorated;
it can be seen from students of elementary school until students of university
do not use a good of Indonesian in daily life. Most of them mix Indonesian with
the local language or English. They have mixed up the language not only in their
daily communication but also in social media, such as on Facebook, Twitter,
Whatsaap, line, WeChat etc. The use of code mixing may affect the use of
reduced levels of good Indonesian. The confusion of their own language or code is
known as Code mixing.
many countries, it is found such as a phenomenon as using more than one
language in communication and it is known as bilinguals. This phenomenon
happens when the government enforces a standard national language, but people
communicate among them with their regional language. The result is the existence
of bilingual speaker. Most people speak or communicate both standard national language
and regional language or dialect.
using a national language and regional languages, people or students in our
round especially sixth semester’s students of English Education Department in
UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya use foreign language such as English and Japanese. Bilinguals’
phenomena can be found when these sixth semester’s students make conversation
in social media of Facebook. The phenomenon of happens when students make
conversation in Facebook especially in Facebook group that’s made for only
sixth semester’s students. They use another language which in linguistic it is
called code mixing.
on the background above, the researcher is interested to observe about what
factors caused sixth semester’s student of English Education department in UIN
Sunan Ampel Surabaya use code mixing on Facebook. Therefore, the decides to
conduct a research entitled “Analysis of
Code Mixing on Facebook for Sixth Semester’s Students of English Education Department
In UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.”
know that we have to communicate express what we want. It means, for
communication we need language. Roger T Bell(in suryani,1995:1) says that
language is an arbitrary symbol system by mean of which individual members of
communities exchange information in society, while wardaugh (1972:8) states
that language is used for communication; language allows people to say things
to each other and express their communicative needs. Language is the cement of
society, allowing people to live, work, and together, tells the truth, and a
lie or lies. Based on haer and agustina ( 1995:158) explain that code mixing is
two or more languages within one of them should be a primary language which
have a function and the other language just pieces without any function.
people as speakers usually occupy more than one code and require a selected code
whenever they choose to speak with other people. The phenomenon of people
having more than one code (language) is called bilingualism or multilingualism
(Wardaugh,1986 :101). To clarify the term bilingual or multilingualism, Spolsky
(1998 : 45) defines a bilingual as “a person who has some functional ability in
the second language.” This may vary from a limited ability in one or more
domains, to very strong command of both languages. According to Bloomfield (in
Rahardi, 2001 : 13), bilingualism is a situation where a speaker can use two
languages as well.
mixing is a mixing of two codes or languages, usually without a change of topic.
Code mixing often occurs within one sentence, one element is spoken in language
A and the rest in language B. In addition, Nababan (1993:32) said that code
mixing is found mainly in informal interactions. In formal situation, the
speaker tends to mix it because there is no exact idiom in that language, so it
is necessary to use words or idioms from other language.
Factors Influencing Code-mixing
are two types of factors influencing code-mixing:
(1) Attitudinal (perilaku) type (seen from
attitude background)
(2) Linguistic type (seen from linguistic
two types are often dependent and overlap each other. Some reasons to mix code
(a) Role identification parameter: social, registrar,
(b) Style identification parameter: the
language use
(c) The desire
to explain and interpret parameter: the speaker’s attitude and relationship with
other persons and the reverse.
code-mixing occurs when there is co-relationship between the role of (speaker),
linguistic forms and language functions.
mixing occurs when a speaker uses a dominant language supports a speech
inserted with other language elements. It is usually associated with
characteristic of speakers, such as social background, level of education,
religious sense. It’s usually a characteristic prominence of relaxation or
informal situations. But it could happen because of the limitations of
language, the phrase in the language there is no equivalent, so there is a
compulsion to use another language. In this paper I will review about the use
of code mixing in Facebook
social media of Facebook group especially for Sixth semester’s students Of
English education, where they usually share ideas, update tasks, give and ask
information, and also provide important files.
the researcher would like to anlyse about factors that effect Sixth semster’s students
of Enflish education department to use code mixing on Facebook.
1. Someone
who masters foreign language beside of Indonesian would be proud. They think
that speaking a foreign language is not punctuated, not cool or is not
considered intellectuals. As the conversation in Facebook, students master the
English language and Japanese language support.
word of thanks ganbatte kudasai
is Using Chinese characters and English to show the character of high social
2. For
someone who speaks English, They will often use words or phrases in English.
word of I prefer to WA guys, pardon
my mobile pdone is to make habitual in speaking English and to give
high style”
3. Code
mixing happens in situation informal or casual situation that usually allows
speakers to use code mixing.
word of guys yg blm byar uang
fotokopian 2ribu dongs is to to create a more intimate atmosphere and
to make more closer.”
4. The
other factor is habitual, the habit happens because of the first language
that’s known by speakers is words in the language used uptake not words in
“The word of Upload and file have been being
a habitual language to be spoken in daily activity for students”
5. Talking
about a particular topic
People sometimes prefer
to talk about a particular topic in one language rather than in another.
Sometimes, a speaker feels free and more comfortable to express his/her emotional
feelings in a language that is not his/her everyday language.
“The word of Semantic and
Component Analysis and Entailment Presupposition is used to discuss
particular object in a course. It means that Semantic and Component Analysis
and Entailment Presupposition will be discussed in linguistic in class later”
6. In
this Facebook group is only for students of sixth semester, because they are
very close, so in this Facebook group, so they communicate with less formulaic
word of g suka ngopy does not
use a good Indonesian or less formulaic language. It happens to make atmosphere
be more colorful and closer”
mixing is already very prevalent in daily life and Bahasa (Indonesian) is abandoned
slowly. It can be seen from the widespread of using code mixing code in daily
life. Code mixing has used on social media, especially Facebook, while this
media is seen or known by all people around the world who probably should have
used a good Indonesian. Code mixing is not a habitual language that helped to preserve
Indonesian. Although code mixing is not recommended, in certain cases, it cannot
be avoided. The requirement is only when the foreign word does not have equivalent
in Indonesian.
general, there are several factors about the use of code mixing, they are
factor of speaker characteristics (social background, level of education,
religious sense), such as relaxation or informal situations and the limitations
of language, which the phrase in the language is no equivalent, so there is a
compulsion to use another language. Thus, mixed code (code mixing) is a condition
in where a person uses a language or language variety and mixes it with a
variety of other languages. A speaker in the use of the Indonesian language is
inserted many elements of the local language, or otherwise insert local
language with many elements of Indonesian, the speakers of the mixed code.
Wardhaugh. An Introduction to
Sociolinguistics Blackwell Textbooks in Linguistics. Fifth Edition. UK.
R. 1972. Introductionto lingistic. New York: Me Graw Hill
Leoni, 1995. Sociolinguistic. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Janet. 1992. An Introduction to Sociolinguitic. Kogakusha. Graw Hill
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